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Frequently Asked Questions

Magtapp's API allows users to access the One Tap Visual Meaning Feature on other websites, along with Antonyms and Synonyms of the word. Our AI based AdTech platform which helps publishers to earn extra revenue through our API partnership program.

Integration :- Visual meaning integration on website
Performance:- See the performance of visual meaning on your site
Monetization :- Enable Monetization from our Ad Partners.

Magtapp’s API offers an exclusive feature called “One Tap Visual Meaning”, which helps readers to understand the meaning of a word visually by simply tapping on it. With this feature, readers can spend more time on your article, and engage with your content in a more immersive way.

Magtapp does not charge any amount, it is an earning platform where you can earn through your website.

You can be assured that integrating Magtapp's API will not affect your current Ads monetization, since we do not run ads in that space.

Our support team will provide you with your admin login credentials so that you can view your report.

It loads instantly once it is cached. We are using CDN to serve it.

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